Free Guide: Learn how to earn $50k in brand partnerships!
Amy Gorin looking at a camera in her kitchen, next to text that says learn with Amy.
Amy Gorin looking at a camera in her kitchen, with text underneath that says Learn with Amy.
A camcorder background.

FREE Masterclass

Join this FREE class to discover how to land high-paying brand deals without wasting time, money, or energy. You’ll discover the 3-step process Amy used to earn $261,502.47 in my second year as an RDN—no social media following required. Spots are limited.

A microphone background.

Media Training & Certification

Brands have big budgets set aside to partner with experts (including YOU). The Master the Media Training & Certification not only teaches you HOW to land paid brand partnerships, we hand deliver paid brand partnership oppS (including $1k-$50k+ ones) to you, as well.