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Cameron Segura, RD, men’s health dietitian and health coach

January 14, 2024

Cameron Segura, RD, men’s health dietitian and health coach

“Master the Media helps you narrow down the vast knowledge you already possess and turn it into work, money, and exposure.”

Since I started Master the Media, I’ve had great success, despite limited time on my end and working a full and part-time job. It’s truly up to you as the individual to take this as far as you want. 

I love the fact that I have been approached by different brands and companies who are interested in doing work with me. But the fact that I have been able to build my own website from scratch that now reaches thousands of visitors and be featured in media outlets (including Best Life and Glamour) that reach millions of people is awesome.

Master the Media helps you narrow down the vast knowledge you already possess and turn it into work, money, and exposure. The program has helped me gain confidence that I didn’t have before, which is an unexpected success.

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